Trap Bar Deadlift vs Squat Comparison [Choosing Your Move]

Zing Coach
Medically reviewed
Walter Gjergja


Published on 

May 20, 2024

Enhance your strength training by comparing trap bar deadlifts to barbell squats. Learn which exercise optimizes your workout for lower body gains.

Trap Bar Deadlift vs Squat Comparison [Choosing Your Move]
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When it comes to strength training, the trap bar deadlift and barbell squat are fundamental exercises offering unique benefits. Understanding these benefits and the differences between the trap bar deadlift vs. squat can help you decide which exercise best fits your fitness goals. This article compares the trap bar deadlift vs squat to help you choose the right move for your workout routine.

Key Takeaways

  • Trap bar deadlifts engage the quads, hamstrings, and glutes more evenly, while barbell squats primarily target the quads and glutes.
  • Trap bar deadlifts are generally safer for the lower back and more accessible for beginners, whereas barbell squats can be more technically demanding and strain the knees and lower back.
  • Trap bar deadlifts are ideal for overall strength and functional fitness, while barbell squats are crucial for maximal lower body strength and muscle growth.
  • Barbell squats offer numerous variations targeting different muscle groups, whereas the trap bar deadlift is more limited in its variations.
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Trap Bar Deadlift - What Is It?

The trap bar deadlift – also known as the hex bar deadlift – uses a hexagon-shaped bar that allows the lifter to stand inside. This setup provides a unique blend of conventional deadlift and squat mechanics.


Reduced Lower Back Strain

The trap bar deadlift places less stress on the lower back compared to conventional deadlifts, making it a safer option for those with back issues, leading some to ask, "Can the trap bar deadlift replace squats in my training regimen?" This reduction in lower back strain is particularly beneficial for individuals recovering from injuries or those who experience discomfort with traditional deadlifts.

Balanced Muscle Activation

In a trap bar deadlift vs squat, the quads, hamstrings, and glutes are more evenly engaged, promoting balanced lower body strength​. This balanced activation helps prevent muscle imbalances and promotes overall muscular development.

Improved Grip Strength

Holding the bar at your sides can enhance grip strength, which is essential for overall lifting performance​. Improved grip strength also improves performance in other lifts and daily activities requiring a firm grip.


The more upright position makes it easier to learn and execute, especially for beginners​. This makes the trap bar deadlift an excellent starting point for those new to weightlifting.


Limited Range of Motion

The trap bar deadlift typically has a shorter range of motion than traditional deadlifts, which may limit its effectiveness in some strength training programs.

Less Specificity for Powerlifting

It does not closely mimic the barbell deadlift, which can disadvantage powerlifters training for competition.

Availability of Equipment

Trap bars might only be available in some gyms, limiting access for some lifters.

Grip Limitation

Lifters may be limited more by grip strength than leg strength, particularly at higher weights.

How to Do It


  1. Place the hexagonal trap bar on the ground and add your desired weights.
  2. Step into the center of the bar with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed forward or slightly turned out.
  3. Hinge at the hips and knees to reach down and grasp the handles at your desired height – lower for more back engagement, higher for more leg engagement.
  4. Maintain a neutral neck position with your eyeline forward.

The Drive

  1. Tighten your grip, pull your shoulders back and down, and engage your lat muscles.
  2. Take a deep breath with your diaphragm and brace your core to protect your lower back.
  3. Extend your legs and hips to lift the bar by driving through your heels. The bar should move upwards straight without swaying back or forward.
  4. Keep your shoulders back, your back muscles contracted, and your spine straight.

The Lockout

  1. Hold a moment at the top of the movement, squeezing your glutes and back muscles.
  2. Reverse the movement, hinging at the hips and the knees to lower the bar to the starting position.
  3. Keep your chest up and back straight as you go down.

Programming Tips for Trap Bar Deadlifts


Incorporate trap bar deadlifts 1-2 times per week, depending on your overall training volume and recovery capacity. Consider using deadlift accessories to enhance your lifting performance.

Volume and Intensity

To build strength and hypertrophy, aim for 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps. Adjust the weight to ensure proper form is maintained throughout the sets.


Gradually increase the weight as your strength improves. Focus on maintaining perfect form to prevent injuries.

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Barbell Squat - What Is It?

The barbell squat is a foundational exercise in strength training that involves lowering your body by bending the hips and knees with a barbell across your upper back. The squat vs trap bar deadlift has several benefits and drawbacks you should consider before programming it into your workout routine.


Comprehensive Muscle Development

Barbell squats target multiple muscle groups, including the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. This makes squats one of the most effective exercises for overall lower body development.

Functional Strength

This exercise improves overall functional strength, which benefits everyday movements and athletic performance​. Functional strength gained from squats translates to better performance in sports and daily activities.

Bone Density

Squats are weight-bearing exercises that can increase bone density, particularly in the spine and hips​. Increased bone density is crucial for preventing osteoporosis and maintaining overall bone health.


Variations like front and overhead squats can target different muscle groups and provide additional challenges​. These variations allow for a more comprehensive training program that addresses different muscle groups and fitness goals, which is essential in determining whether the trap bar deadlift can replace the squat in your workout routine.


Technical Complexity

Squats require proper form to avoid injuries, making them more complex to learn than the trap bar deadlift.

Knee and Lower Back Strain

Improper technique can lead to knee and lower back issues, especially under heavy loads. This makes it more complex to learn a squat vs trap bar deadlift.

Equipment Needs

The barbell squat requires access to a squat rack and sufficient weights, which might only be available in some training environments.

Injury Risk with Heavy Loads

Heavy squatting can increase the risk of injuries, particularly for those with pre-existing conditions or poor form, which raises the question," Can deadlifts replace squats in specific training regimens?"

How to Do It


  1. Position the barbell on your upper back, resting it across your traps.
  2. Grasp the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  3. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly pointed out.

The Squat

  1. Push your hips back to initiate the movement.
  2. Bend your knees to lower your body, keeping your chest up.
  3. Maintain a neutral spine and avoid leaning forward excessively.

The Ascent

  1. Drive through your heels to extend your hips and knees.
  2. Keep your chest up and your spine neutral as you rise.
  3. Fully extend your hips and knees to return to the starting position.

Programming Tips for Barbell Squats


Include barbell squats 2-3 times weekly, allowing adequate recovery between sessions.

Volume and Intensity

Perform 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps for strength gains and 8-12 reps for hypertrophy. Adjust the weight to challenge yourself while maintaining proper form.


Incorporate different squat variations, such as front squats and Bulgarian split squats, to target various muscle groups and prevent plateaus.

Trap Bar Deadlift vs. Barbell Squat - What Are the Key Differences?

Muscle Activation

The quads, glutes, and hamstrings are more evenly engaged in a trap bar than in a squat. This balanced activation can help overall lower body development and prevent muscle imbalance. The barbell squat vs trap bar deadlift primarily targets the quads and glutes, with significant hamstrings and lower back activation. The squat is highly effective for building lower body strength and muscle mass, particularly in the quads and glutes.

Technique and Safety

It’s easier to learn a trap bar deadlift vs. squat, and the neutral spine position reduces the risk of lower back injuries, making it a safer choice for many lifters. The barbell squat requires more technical proficiency and can place more strain on the knees and lower back if performed incorrectly, making squats vs trap bar deadlifts more complex. Proper technique is essential to avoid injuries, and beginners might benefit from professional guidance when debating if trap bar deadlifts replace squat exercises in their routine. Consider taking a flexibility test to assess and improve your range of motion before you attempt exercises like these.

Training Goals

The trap bar deadlift is ideal for improving overall strength and reducing lower back strain. It's an excellent choice for building general strength and improving functional fitness.

The barbell squat is essential for building maximal lower body strength and muscle mass, particularly in the glutes and quads. Squats are crucial for athletes looking to maximize their lower body power and strength.


The trap bar deadlift has limited variations, primarily focused on deadlifting​. While it offers significant benefits, its variations are fewer compared to squats. However, there are other deadlift variations that you can consider, like rack pulls vs deadlifts.

There are numerous variations of the barbell squat — like the front squat or the overhead squat — that target different muscle groups and provide additional benefits​. The variety of squat exercises allows for a more diverse and comprehensive training regimen.

Squats or Trap Bar Deadlifts - Which Option Is the Right Fit for You?

Choosing between the trap bar deadlift and the barbell squat depends on your goals and physical condition. If you're a beginner or have lower back issues, the trap bar deadlift might be the safer and more accessible option. However, if you're aiming for maximal lower body strength and muscle growth, the barbell squat is indispensable. Here are some considerations to help you decide if the trap bar deadlift vs. squat is more suitable for your goals:

Individual Goals

Strength and Power Athletes

If you are an athlete focused on maximizing strength and power, incorporating both exercises into your routine can provide comprehensive lower body development. The barbell squat will help you build maximal strength, while the trap bar deadlift can improve functional strength and reduce injury risk.


The trap bar deadlift offers a safer alternative for individuals recovering from lower back or knee injuries due to its reduced strain on these areas. Consult a physical therapist or a certified trainer to tailor your exercise program to your rehabilitation needs.

General Fitness

Both exercises have different benefits for fitness enthusiasts looking to build overall strength, improve their physique, or undergo a fitness transformation. Starting with the trap bar deadlift vs squat can help build foundational strength and confidence before progressing to more technically demanding barbell squats while also understanding the importance of body composition in your fitness journey.

Safety Considerations

Proper Form

Proper form is crucial for both exercises to maximize benefits and prevent injuries, particularly when considering the trap bar deadlift vs. squat mechanics. Consider working with an AI-powered coach to learn the correct technique, especially for the barbell squat.

Equipment Availability

Depending on your gym's equipment, you might have to choose based on availability. However, you can also explore practical at-home exercises to stay fit without needing a gym. Trap bars might only be available in some gyms, so this could influence your decision.

Exercise Selection Based on Goals

To decide whether the trap bar deadlift or barbell squat is more suitable for your goals, consider the following scenarios:

Building Maximal Strength

If your primary goal is to build maximal lower body strength, barbell squats should be a central component of your routine. Explore if deadlifts replace squats for specific training goals. They engage the quads and glutes intensely, leading to significant strength gains.

Functional Fitness and Injury Prevention

If you prioritize functional fitness and want to reduce the risk of lower back injuries, the trap bar deadlift is an excellent choice. It mimics natural movements and is easier on the spine.

Athletic Performance

Athletes who need to improve their explosive power and agility can benefit from incorporating both exercises. The barbell squat enhances leg strength and power, while the trap bar deadlift supports functional strength and reduces injury risk. You can compare the clean and press vs clean and jerk to decide which exercise is better for your training goals.

Rehabilitation and Beginners

The trap bar deadlift provides a safer introduction to lifting for those new to strength training or recovering from injuries. Its easier learning curve and lower injury risk make it ideal for beginners and those rehabbing from injuries.

Final Thoughts

The trap bar deadlift and the barbell squat are indispensable exercises in a strength training regimen. By understanding their unique benefits, drawbacks, and how they fit into your fitness goals, you can decide which exercise to prioritize. Incorporating both into your routine will provide a well-rounded approach to building strength, power, and muscle mass.

Whether you are a beginner, an experienced lifter, or recovering from an injury, the proper exercise selection can significantly impact your progress and overall fitness. Focus on the correct technique, listen to your body, and adjust your training program to meet your individual needs and goals.

By integrating expert insights and personalized recommendations, you can optimize your workout routine and achieve your desired fitness outcomes.

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